IOT Organizes the 6th National Research Conference on AFET.
IOT Organizes the 6th National Research Conference on AFET.
IoT Organizes the 4th Deep Learning Indabax Ethiopia Conference 2024.
በዳሌ ወረዳ በማህበር ለተደራጁ ወጣቶች የተደረገ ድጋፍ የመስክ ምልከታና ውይይት ተካሄደ።
College of Law and Governance organizes a conference on Peace and Conflict.
ግንቦት 5/2016 ዓም ሀዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ባለፉት አምስት አመታት በጤና መረጃ ስርዓት ላይ በሠራው ሥራ የኢፌዲሪ ጤና ሚኒስቴር የላቀ አፈፃፀም ተሸላሚ ሆኗል።
CSSH, Hawassa University, Hosts the 5th National Research Conference.
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