Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer is another area of focus of Hawassa University in the last few years.  It is a means through which technological innovations of HwU is transferred to industries for public use, or to industry for further development and marketing. The University has invented and adapted more than 20 technologies in the last five years of which seven granted intellectual property rights. These technologies have been transferred to different industries. For example, hydraulics laboratory instruments that perform different hydraulic tests have been transferred to fourteen Universities in Ethiopia and effectively substituted expensive equipment that were imported otherwise. The technologies helped industries to improve their productivity and solve their problems.

The following are some of the technologies invented/adapted by the University

  • Hydraulics laboratory instruments that perform different hydraulic tests
    1. Reynolds Apparatus that perform laminar, transition and turbulent flow visualization test
    2. Open channel flume apparatus that carry out specific energy, vertical hydrostatics pressure, hydraulic jump, flow rate, flow over crump wear, flow rate over V- notch, discharge over rectangular notch, flow rate over broad crusted wear and other tests
    3. Flow measurement on pipe apparatus with bend meter, venture meter, pilot tube and orifice meter
    4. Flow over weirs apparatus with a rectangular-profile weir, V-profile weir and flow over weir
    5. Stability of a floating body apparatus that shows the calculation of center of gravity position, the performance of experiment, evaluation and determination of buoyancy
    6. Quadrant made from clear plastic pivoted on ball bearings apparatus hydrostatic thrust on vertical surface
  • GIS-based tourist site management and information system that enhances easy navigation of service centers and tourist sites
  • Kebele service data management system that improve kebeles data management system
  • Banana fiber extraction machine
  • Electro-flotation waste-water treatment unit design and construction
  • Essential compound extraction from indigenous medicinal plant (Amessa plant) to develop medicine for diseases that affect children
  • Agricultural machine that plant Teff in row
  • Bamboo animal supplementary food
  • Bamboo liquid fertilizer
  • Bamboo soap
  • ‘palm oil’ extractions from ‘Avocado and mango’ products
  • Eco hydrological (nature-based) solution to treat industrial wastewater
  • Low-cost sediment reduction system on degraded land using local material and indigenous knowledge
  • A flexible/movable latrine seat used to improve and adapt pit latrine for people with leg related disabilities and sick and immune-compromised people


Hydraulics laboratory instruments developed by HwU

Link to the widget with data from Hawassa University


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