CSSH, Hawassa University, Hosts the 5th National Research Conference.

በተለያዩ የሰብል ዝርያዎች ላይ የተሰሩ የምርምር ስራዎች ያሉበትን ደረጃ ለመገምገም ያለመ የመስክ ጉብኝት ተካሄደ።

A delegation of UNICEF Ethiopia, led by Mrs. Rachana Sharma, Chief of Social Behavioral Change Program, visited Hawassa University to discuss potential collaborations.

ስለ ካፒታል ገበያ የግንዛቤ ማስጨበጫ ተሰጠ::

HU Organizes Review Workshop for Completed Thematic Research Projects.

HU hosts National Conference on Quality Education and Technology.

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