Institute of Policy and Development Research in collaboration with Forum for Social Studies organizes a public lecture on Governing Climate mobility.
Hawassa University (HU), Institute of Policy and Development Research (IPDR) in collaboration with Forum for Social Studies (FSS) organizes public lecture entitled Governing Climate mobility : The nexus between climate change and mobility on Feb 27/2023 at Hawassa University main campus, aimed at sharing the major findings and policy implications of a four-year collaborative research by Danish, Ethiopian and Ghanian researchers.
On the occasion, Tafesse Matewos (PhD), Vice president for Research and Technology Transfer at HU briefed the gathering on the major activities, facts and figures of Hawassa University. Dr. Tafesse noted that currently HU executes about 76 grand projects and the university staff published 600 publications in Scopus-indexed Journals only in a year (2021). A climate change researcher and expert himself, Dr. Tafesse, presented Ethiopias challenges with regard to climate change as a country of smallholder farmer predominantly dependent on the undependable rain-fed agriculture. He commended for the country to pursue alternative mechanisms, including expanding irrigation schemes, to mitigate climate-induced challenges.
Three distinguished researchers from Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), Dr. Neil Antoney Webster, Dr. Ninna Nyberg Sørensen and Dr. Zerihun Mohammed from Forum for Social Studies, Ethiopia, presented the major findings and policy implications of the research that investigated the nexus between climate change and mobility. Dr. Melisew Dejene, PhD Program Coordinator and Social Development Cluster Leader at IPDR moderated the event. HU’s members of the top management, researchers, PhD students and the research team from DIIS attended the event.