The Dean of the College of Social Sciences & Humanities of Hawassa University visited the headquarter of Confucius Institute at ETU in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
当地时间3月1日上午九点,阿瓦萨大学人文学院院长Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate到访我院。埃塞职教孔院院长高洋对其到来表示感谢,并主持欢迎座谈会,教师代表王康静、王钦、王雅格列席。
At 9 am on March 1, local time, Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate, Dean of the College of Social Sciences & Humanities of Hawassa University, visited our headquarter, Gao Yang, Dean of the Confucius Institute at ETU, expressed her gratitude for his arrival and chaired the welcome forum. Teacher representatives Wang Kangjing, Wang Qin and Wang Yage attended the meeting.
会上,院长高洋首先向其介绍了即将赴任阿瓦萨大学孔子课堂的王康静老师,Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate对此表示欢迎。
At the meeting, Dean Gao Yang first introduced Mr. Wang Kangjing, who is about to take up the post of Confucius Classroom at Hawassa University, and Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate welcomed this.
随后,Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate介绍了阿瓦萨大学中文专业历年来的招生情况,学员就业情况等。他表示,自阿瓦萨人文学院开设中文专业以来,一直与埃塞职教孔院保持良好的合作关系,并期望在将来能够继续深化合作,合力培养更多具有中文语言技能型人才,促进中文教师本土化进程。
Afterward, Dr. Dagne Shibru Abate introduced the enrollment status of the Chinese major of Hawassa University over the years and the employment status of the students. He said that since the College of Social Sciences & Humanities opened the Chinese major, it has maintained a good cooperative relationship with the Confucius Institute at ETU, and hopes to continue to deepen cooperation in the future and work together to cultivate more Chinese language skills. Type talents to promote the localization of Chinese teachers.
Dr. Dagne发表讲话
院长高洋对此表示赞同,她提出,今年年初我院向阿瓦萨大学孔子课堂成功输送了职教孔院培养的首位本土中文志愿者教师阿木(Engdaw Asmro),这标志着中文教师本土化项目在埃塞当地的成功开展,能够有越来越多优秀的本土教师加入到中文教学的行列中来。
Dean Gao Yang agreed with this. She proposed that at the beginning of this year Confucius Institute at ETU successfully sent the first native Chinese volunteer teacher who's educated by CI, Engdaw Asmro, to the Confucius Classroom at Hawasaa University. This marks the localization of Chinese language teachers in Ethiopia. It is successfully carried out, and more and more outstanding local teachers can join the ranks of Chinese teaching.