Article Index

Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  1. Name: Mesele Negash Tesemma   
  2. Birthplace: Hawassa
  3. Nationality: Ethiopian
  4. Linguistic skills: Amharic (Excellent),  English (Fluent)
  5. Current position: PhD, Associate Professor
  6. Key qualifications: Forest/Agroforestry Ecology: Climate Mitigation, Biodiversity conservation
  7. Contact information: Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources/Hawassa University, P.O. Box128, Shashemene, Ethiopia, Tel. +251911713329; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  8. Education:

Institution (Date from – Date to)

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

University of Helsinki, Finland (November 2008- November 2013)

Doctoral degree in Agriculture & Forestry, Major subject: Forest ecology (Climate change mitigation, Biodiversity )

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Sweden  (2001-2002)

M.Sc degree in Forestry; specialization in Farm Forestry

Alemaya University of Agriculture, Ethiopia (1991-1994)

B.Sc degree in General Forestry


  1. Short Term Training

Institution (Date from – Date to)


Laboratory techniques for Analysis of Soil Physicochemical properties (Aril 12-20, 2021)


Multidisciplinary Perspective on REDD+ the University of Oslo, Norway


Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) (4-16/06/2012)–On “Planted trees and forests for livelihoods and ecosystem services” held in Ethiopia


Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) (6-19/06/2011)–On “Blue Nile Watershed Management And Ecosystem Services” –conducted in Sudan


Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) (12-24/07/2010)–On “Agroforestry For Sustainable Land Husbandry And Rehabilitation”- conducted in Ethiopia


Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) (16-26/07/2008)–On “Forest Landscape Restoration In North East Africa”- conducted in Ethiopia


Hawassa University (01/01/-30/12/2007)-on Professional Management


MelcaMehiber (31/10/-13/11/2006)-on Eco-mapping 


Organ state University in collaboration with Wondo Genet College of Forestry (26/01/-06/02/2004)-on Scientific communication


Ministry of agriculture, Ethiopia in collaboration with German Technical Cooperation (22-23/2000)-on Energy efficient Improved stoves technologies  


Ministry of agriculture, Ethiopia (16/01/-14/02/1997-on planning & management of participatory forestry project



  1. Work experiences (2002 to date )


Summarized work experience 


I have been serving at the Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources/ Hawassa University for the last 20 years in different capacities. Now, I am working at Associate Professor Position. I have engaged in teaching undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs and offered 12 graduate and post graduates courses related to forestry and agroforestry. Besides, supervised over 65 completed M.Sc theses and 5 Ph.D. dissertations. And also, examined 50 M.Sc Theses and 10 Ph.D. Dissertations. Currently, supervising 10 Ph.D. research projects. So far, have won 17 national and international research projects Awards. Published 50 papers (39 peer reviewed articles, contributing authors for 2 books, one book chapter and 9 workshop papers). I have served as a reviewer for 14 international renowned Journals and, reviewed 22 manuscripts. Furthermore, served as dean the then faculty of Forestry and head of Farm forestry department for a period between 2002 and 2008. Also, served in several College and department levels standing and Ad-hoc committees.


Besides, participated in five national forest sector strategies and programs studies: Develop Regional Forest Sector Development Programs for nine regional states and two city administrations of Ethiopia, Volume 1: Forest sector situation analysis Commissioned to Biome Services PLC in 2018 -2019. Financed by UNDP; Developing and Mapping the Knowledge base for Natural Resource and sustainable land management in Ethiopia. Commissioned to Water and Land Resources Centre/Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in 2017-2019; Improve forest biomass estimates in Ethiopia for key ecozones, forest vegetation types and species. EFCCC, Financed by Norwegian Embassy in 2019-2020; Study of causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Ethiopia and the identification and prioritization of strategic options to address those for seven regions of Ethiopia. Arbonaut Ltd (Finland based international consultant team). Financed by World Bank 2014-2015


Currently, coordinating REDD+ investment Project in 2023 with a total of USD 297,000 funded by UNDP; Sida funded Institutional Strengthening for Catalyzing Forest Sector Development Program Project (IS-CFSDP) (2019-2021) with a total budget of USD 308,000; NORHED II funded “Climate smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa project (2021-2026)” with a total budget of 20,011,255 NOK, of which 14.6% to WGCF-NR; HU funded thematic research project entitled “Potentials of climate smart smallholders’ coffee based agroforestry system: linking adaptation, mitigation, biodiversity conservation and household level renewable energy production in selected districts of Sidama National Regional State (2021-2023) with a total fund of 1,401,002 Ethiopian Birr; and EFCCC/Norway funded project “Biomass model development for estimating aboveground biomass of some selected native woody species grown in Moist Evergreen Afromontane Biome (2019-2020)” a funding amounted 1,021,863.32 Ethiopia Birr.


Detailed works experience

7/06/2014 to date


University’s affairs

  • Working at Associate Professor Position (since June, 2016 ) and Assistant Professor Position at WGCF-NR/HU in Teaching, Research, Consultancy services, and supervision
  • Representative of academic staff at academic commission (AC) of Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources
  • Member of both the college and agroforestry department academic staffs development and promotion standing committees
  • Member of agroforestry department research and development committee
  • Agroforestry department and the then, forestry school’s academic staff development and promotion standing committee
  • Served as both College staff and Agroforestry department Affairs committee
  • Has been involved in several Ad-hoc committees including new journal development, research project screening, MRV strategic plan and among others (letters attached with application)    
  • Involved in preparation of M.Sc and Ph.D. curriculum program development
  • Offering short-term training to national and regional experts on forest carbon accounting
  • Serving as Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Forestry and Natural Resources at Hawassa University.

Teaching and supervision

  • Have been teaching Sc courses including: Agro-Biodiversity: Plant & Animal (BdCM526), Agroecology (AgFo 511, at AC), Research Methods in Agroforestry (AfSm 515), Climate Change Mitigation Measures (CcDe 526), Biodiversity Conservation (FaFo 518), Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation under Climate Change (CCSA517, at AC), Advanced Rural Sociology and Extension (AfSm521), Research Methods Inagricultural Landscape And Scientific Writing (CSAL513), Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Low Carbon Development (CCSA 522, at AC)
  • And also, teaching D. courses include: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Agroforestry (AGFO723), Bio-based Climate Change Mitigation (CCMA712), Research Method in Agroforestry (AGFO 711), Forest Ecosystem service and Management  
  • So far supervised 65 completed M.Sc Theses and 5 Ph.D. Dissertations in the period between 2015-2022 that have focussed in the area of Climate Change Mitigation in Forest and Agroforestry system, Biodiversity Management and Conservation, Impacts of Land Use Land Cover Changes in Ecosystem services, Participatory Forest Management and Their Ecological and Social Impacts, Biomass Estimate Modeling for native trees, Impacts of Environmental gradients on carbon dynamics, Agroforestry for livelihoods support, Biomass Energy and among others
  • Currently, supervising 12 Ph.D. Research projects working in the areas of Biomass and volume modeling for some selected native tree species for major biomass of Ethiopia, Land Use dynamics and Carbon Stocks changes, Smallholders tree planting and their socioeconomic contribution, Ethnobotanical Knowledge on Medicinal plants in urban setting and among others

Examination of M.Sc and PhD theses (2014 to date)

  • So far, examined over 50 M.Sc theses as internal examiner at Hawassa University, and four in other university in Ethiopia whose thesis focused on potentials of Forestry/Agroforestry for climate change mitigation and adaptation, Biodiversity conservation, Socioeconomic and livelihoods aspects, Biomass Models Development, Biomass Energy among others.
  • Examined 10 Ph.D. Dissertations defended at Hawassa University, Addis Ababa University, and Wageningen University, Netherlands and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.


Visiting researcher 

  • Enrolled as a researcher at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Finland in 2017. Participated in writing manuscripts for data gathered in collaborative research project
  • Visiting scientist at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Finland in 2019.

International summit attended 

  • Attended COP25 summit carried out Madrid, Spain in 2019, and made slides presentation entitled “Opportunities and issues of forestry sector in Ethiopia in the context of Paris agreement” under the theme “Enhancing Capacity of Developing Countries to Address Climate Change: Issues and Opportunities” Korea Pavilion, COP-25, UNFCCC Madrid, Spain December 11, 2019

National studies involved  

  • Participated national studies such as
  • Develop Regional Forest Sector Development Programs for nine regional states and two city administrations of Ethiopia, Volume 1: Forest sector situation analysis Commissioned to Biome Services PLC in 2018 -2019. Financed by UNDP.
  • Developing and Mapping the Knowledge base for Natural Resource and sustainable land management in Ethiopia. Commissioned to Water and Land Resources Centre/Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in 2017-2019
  • Identifying National Forest extension gaps and intervention strategies
  • Study of causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Ethiopia and the identification and prioritization of strategic options to address those
  • Documenting profitable agroforestry innovations for Eastern Africa, and Identification of Indigenous Knowledge on agro-Forestry Practices and their Implication on Sustainable Land-use.
  • Carbon stocks and flux estimates in standing bamboo forest and their products, and setting carbon standard in west Arsi, Oromia, for African Bamboo forest PLC
  • Develop Regional Forest Sector Development Programs for nine regional states and two city administrations
  • Developing and Mapping the Knowledge base for Natural Resource and sustainable land management in Ethiopia

Project coordination and international collaboration experiences 

  • Coordinating REDD+ Investment program in 2023 with funding of USD297,000
  • Counter coordinating for collaborative research project entitled “Climate smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa” in collaboration with faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences funded by NORHED II (2021-2026)., at total budget of 2,813,831 NOK
  • Counter coordinating Swedish sida funded project at WGCF-NR entitled: “Institutional strengthening for catalyzing forest sector development program of Ethiopia project (IS-CFSDP)” in collaboration with Environment, Forest and climate change commission of Ethiopia, SLU, CIFOR and EFRI (2019-2022), a total budget amounted USD308,000
  • Focal person at Wondo Genet College for Ph.D. scholarship in REFOREST Programme project hosted at Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (2020-2024)
  • Served as a focal person for collaborative research project entitled “Collaborative Mapping, management and resilience of ecosystem services for food security and response to climate change in Ethiopia” in collaboration with Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, which was funded by Academy of Finland (2015-2017)
  • Involved in a collaborative project development entitled “Potential of agroforestry in complementing food security also through resistance of soil productivity and income diversity” in collaboration with Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, which was applied to Academy of Finland (2018)
  • Contractual service as a member of GHG auditing team with SCS global services to verify GHGs emission in forest landscape of Oromia, Ethiopia (2020)
  • Involved in teaching course such as tropical forest and climate change, Tropical agroforestry at VITRI, Department of Forest sciences, University of Helsinki (2014)
  • Involved in collaborative research project with Viikki Tropical Resources Institute of the University of Helsinki Finland (2008-2013)
  • Participated in writing of three proposals on Horizon 2020 European Opinion funding projects.

Community services

  • Training of Women on construction of improved biomass stoves technology in Hawassa town as part of capacity building and Job creation (2017/18).
  • Delivered radio press on research experiences for Hawassa University’s FM Radio program (2014, 2016, 2022)
  • Regular member of REDD+ coordination technical steering committee under Environment and Forest Authority of the South Nations Nationalities People Region
  • Participated in document preparation for registration of the Gedeo’s traditional agroforestry practices by UNESCO
  • Participated in sustainable land and forest management around watershed of Hawassa Lake in collaboration with Hawassa Environment, Forest and Climate Change Office
  • Offered three trainings on forest carbon stock measurement to regional and national experts working under Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission and the respective regions organized by EFCCC in 2019 at Bishofetu
  • Offered training to Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation and Development authority on forest carbon stock measurements in 2019 at Goba, Bale Zone
  • Offered two capacity building trainings on MRV techniques of greenhouse gases assessment on forest and climate smart agricultural landscape for four weeks to regional and national experts organized by MRV office
  • Delivered eight rounds two weeks training each for 200 national and regional experts working under EFCCC and, held training to Oromia REDD+ governing officials on forest carbon stocks measurement
  • Assigned as Editor-in-Chief for the newly proposed “Journal of Forestry and Natural Resources” undertaking by the college
  • Served as a reviewer to 14 international peer-reviewed and reputable journals (listed below), and reviewed altogether 20 manuscripts.


  • Involved in teaching course such as tropical forest and climate change, Tropical agroforestry at VITRI, Department of Forest sciences, University of Helsinki


  • Served at a lecture position and Involved in teaching, research and community services at lecturer and Assistant professor Positions at WGCF-NR. Courses included Forest ecology, General ecology, Forestry extension, Natural resource management extension, Ecosystem studies
  • Served as Dean of faculty of forestry at WGCF-NR from 1999 to 2001
  • Served as Head department of Farm Forestry at WGCF-NR from 1996 to 1999


  • Served as Forest management, forest development, agroforestry expert at Sidama Zone Agricultural office, SNNPRs


Managerial skills

  • Trained in the Capable Manager for a period of 12 months organized by Hawassa University in collaboration with Open University (2007)


  1. Reviewer for international reputable and renowned journals:
  • Food Security in 2020
  • Forest Ecology and Management in 2018, 2020, 2022
  • Urban forestry and greening in 2018
  • Small scale forestry in 2018, 2020
  • Land Degradation and Development in 2016, 2019
  • Environmental Management and Monitoring in 2018
  • Journal of Applied Ecology in 2017
  • Global Change Biology in 2016
  • Forest, Trees and Livelihoods in 2016
  • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2020
  • Agroforestry Systems in 2016, 2020, 2022
  • Annuals of Forest Science in 2014
  • Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change in 2013
  • Tropical Forestry in 2013


  1. Membership in Professional Associations
  • Ethiopian Forest Society
  • Finnish-Ethiopian Alumni network


Title of the project



Funded by

Amount, euro



REDD+ investment program




USD 297,000

January –June, 2023


Climate smart agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Coordinator, Ethiopian side

Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania


20, 011, 255 NOK, of which 14.6% to WGCF-NR



Potentials of climate smart smallholders’ coffee based agroforestry system: linking adaptation, mitigation, biodiversity conservation and household level renewable energy production in selected districts of Sidama National Regional State (Thematic project)


Coordinator and principal Investigator (PI)


Hawassa University

1,401,002 birr



Biomass model development for estimating aboveground biomass of some selected native woody species grown in four major vegetation biomes of Ethiopia: Moist Evergreen Afromontane Biome

Coordinator and PI


EFCCC/Norway fund




Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Infrastructure and Policy Aspects: Emphasis on Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation, and their Economic Value in Hawassa City, Ethiopia (Thematic research project)

PI sub-theme


Hawassa University

333,622 birr sub-theme budgte




Household Energy Sources, Environmental Impacts and Alternative Options:

A Case of Hawassa C7ity (Thematic research project)

PI sub-theme


Hawassa University

324,280 birr sub-theme budget




Assessment of Forest Resources, Climate Smart Agricultural Practices and Renewable Energy Utilization Patterns in selected Forested Landscape areas of Guji Zone, Southern Ethiopia

PI sub-theme


MRV orojcet/NORAD

200,000 Birr sub-theme budget



Mapping, management and resilience of ecosystem services for food security and response to climate change in Ethiopia (SOILMAN) (, Hawassa University in colboration with Natural Resources Intsitute of Finland and University of Helsinki



Acadamic of Finland (Decision no. 270106)

The budget owned by University of Helsinki and LUKE



Potential opportunities of Indigenous agroforestry systems for carbon sequestration and mantining native floristic diversity

Principal Researcher


Finnish Society of forest science

9864 Euro



Potential opportunities of Indigenous agroforestry systems for carbon sequestration and mantining native floristic diversity

Principal Researcher


Finnish Cultural Foundation

21000 Euro



Potential opportunities of Indigenous agroforestry systems for carbon sequestration and mantining native floristic diversity

Principal Researcher


International Foundation for Science (IFS Grt. # D/4836-2)

12,000 USD



Potential opportunities of Indigenous agroforestry systems for carbon sequestration and mantining native floristic diversity

Principal Researcher


International Foundation for Science (IFS Grt. # D/4836-1)

8200 USD



Potential opportunities of Indigenous agroforestry systems for carbon sequestration and mantining native floristic diversity

Principal Researcher


Swedish SIDA

200,000 SEK



Evaluation of socioeconomic importance, population structure and nursery level germination potential of Balanitesaegypiaca (L.) Del

Principal Researcher


Ministry of Education Ethiopia




Farmers’ attitude and socio-economic activity in adoption of soil and water conservation technology: A case study at Dawro Zone, Ethiopia.



Ministry of Education Ethiopia




Comparative Analysis of Alternative Household Energy Saving Strategies in Wondo Genet Catchments. An Implication for Livelihood Improvement and Sustainable Conservation of NR



DOIT-AR project of Swedish SIDA




The potential of water harvesting technologies for Improved Biomass around Lake Langano



DOIT-AR project of Swedish SIDA








Title of the project


Commissioned by



Carbon stocks and flux estimates in standing bamboo forest and their products, and setting carbon standard 

West Arsi zone

African Bamboo PLC



Develop Regional Forest Sector Development Programs for nine regional states and two city administrations


UNDP together with Biome Services PLC

2018 -


Developing and Mapping the Knowledge base for Natural Resource and sustainable land management in Ethiopia



Water and Land Resources Centre/Addis Ababa University/ Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources



Improve forest biomass estimates in Ethiopia for key ecozones, forest vegetation types and species.


The Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia, REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Forest/funded by World Bank

Proposal  submitted to REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Forest


Study of causes of deforestation and forest degradation in Ethiopia and the identification and prioritization of strategic options to address those

 (member of Arbonaut Ltd, Finland  international consultant team)

Seven regions of Ethiopia

The Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia, REDD+ Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and Forest/funded by World Bank



Documenting profitable agroforestry innovations for Eastern Africa: Experience from 10 agro-climatic zones of Ethiopia, India Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Different parts of Ethiopia




Identification of Indigenous Knowledge on agro-Forestry Practices and their Implication on Sustainable Land-use Management and Natural Resource Management

South-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, Ethiopia

Sustainable Land-use Form (SLUF) of Ethiopia




  1. Peer-reviewed and reputable articles/book chapter

Published articles



  1. Tariku Olana Jawo, Nikola Teutscherová, Mesele Negash, Kefyalew Sahle &
    Bohdan Lojka (2023) Smallholder coffee-based farmers’ perception and their adaptation strategies
    of climate change and variability in South-Eastern Ethiopia, International Journal of Sustainable
    Development & World Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2023.2167241


  1. Habitamu Taddese, Mesele Negash, Tariku Geda, Gebiaw T. Ayele, 2022 Carbon Sequestration Potentials of Different Land Uses in Wondo Genet Sub-Catchment, Southern Ethiopia. Land 2022, 11, 2252.
  2. Eyob Tadesse, Mesele Negash (2022) Impacts of indigenous agroforestry practices and elevation gradient on ecosystem carbon stocks in smallholdings’ farming system in South‑Central Ethiopia. Agroforest Systems
  3. Mesele Negash, Janne Kaseva, Helena Kahiluoto (2022) Determinants of carbon and nitrogen sequestration in multistrata agroforestry. Science of the Total Environment 851:158185.
  4. Heiru Sebrala, Amsalu Abich, Mesele Negash, Zerihun Asrat, Bohdan Lojka (2022) Tree allometric equations for estimating biomass and volume of Ethiopian forests and establishing a database: Review. Trees, Forests and People.
  5. Amsalu Abich, Mesele Negash, Asmamaw Alemu, Temesgen Gashaw 2022. Aboveground Biomass Models in the Combretum-Terminalia Woodlands of Ethiopia: Testing Species and Site Variation Effects. Land 2022, 11, 811.
  6. Hafte Mebrahten Tesfay, Mesele Negash, Douglas L. Godbold, Herbert Hager, 2022. Assessing Carbon Pools of Three Indigenous Agroforestry Systems in the Southeastern Rift-Valley Landscapes, Ethiopia. Sustainability 2022, 14, x.
  7. Mesele Negash, Janne Kaseva, Helena Kahiluoto, 2022. Perennial monocropping of khat decreased soil carbon and nitrogen relative to multistrata agroforestry and natural forest in southeastern Ethiopia. Regional Environmental Change 22:38.
  8. Bezashwork Melaku Asmare, Mesele Negash Tesemma, Shimelis Nigatu Gebremariam, Tefera Belay Endalamaw. 2022. Comparison of calorific values and physico-chemical properties among three age groups and height positions of Acacia decurrens (Willd). Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery doi: 10.1007/s13399-021-02242-x
  9. Abel Feyisa, Mesele Negash and Yoseph Melka 2022. Research Article Urban green infrastructure affects woody plant diversity and carbon stock in Hawassa city in Ethiopia. Arboricultural Journal, 2021


  1. Eyob Tadesse. Mesele Negash. Zebene Asfaw, 2021. Impacts of traditional agroforestry practices, altitudinal gradients and households’ wealth status on perennial plants species composition, diversity, and structure in south-central Ethiopia. Agroforest Systems
  2. Mesele Negash, Mike Starr, 2021. Litter decomposition of six tree species on indigenous agroforestry farms in south-eastern Ethiopia in relation to litterfall carbon inputs and modelled soil respiration. Agroforestry System 95: 95:755–766
  3. Abayneh Legesse, Mesele Negash (2021). Species diversity, composition, structure and management in agroforestry systems: the case of Kachabira district, Southern Ethiopia. Heliyon 7: e06477.



  1. Gebru Eyasu, Motuma Tolera, Mesele Negash (2020) Woody species composition, structure, and diversity of home garden agroforestry systems in southern Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Heliyon 6, e05500.
  2. Desalegn Getnet, Mesele Negash (2020) Allometric equations for estimating aboveground biomass of khat (Catha edulis)-stimulate grown in agroforestry of Raya Valley, Northern Ethiopia. Heliyon 6: e05839.
  3. Zerihun Belay, Mesele Negash, Janne Kaseva, Mauritz Vestberg, Helena, Kahiluoto. 2020. Native forests but not agroforestry systems preserve arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species richness in southern Ethiopia. Mycorrhiza.
  4. Zerihun Asrat, Tron Eid, Terje Gobakken, Mesele Negash, 2020. Modelling and quantifying tree biometric properties of Dry Afromontane forests of South-central Ethiopia. Trees
  5. Zerihun Asrat, Tron Eid, Terje Gobakken, Mesele Negash, 2020. Aboveground tree biomass prediction options for the Dry Afromontane forests in South-central Ethiopia. Forest Ecology and Management 473:118335.
  6. Mulugeta Betemariyam, Mesele Negash, Adefires Worku, 2020. Comparative Analysis of Carbon Stocks in Home Garden and Adjacent Coffee Based Agroforestry Systems in Ethiopia. Small-scale Forestry
  7. Befekadu Mewded, Mesele Negash, Tesfaye Awas 2020. Woody species composition, structure and environmental determinants in a moist evergreen Afromontane forest, southern Ethiopia. 2019. Journal of Forestry Research 31(4), 1173–1186.
  8. Emiru Birhane, Said Ahmed, Mengsteab Hailemariam, Mesele Negash, Meley Mekonen Rannestad, Lindsey Norgrove. 2020. Carbon stock and woody species diversity in homegarden agroforestry along an elevation gradient in southern Ethiopia. Agroforest Systems 94, 1099–1110.


  1. Ashenafi Manaye, Mesele Negash, Mehari Alebachew. 2019. Effect of degraded land rehabilitation on carbon stocks and biodiversity in semi-arid region of Northern Ethiopia. Forest Science and Technology 15:2, 70–79.


  1. Kim, Dong-Gill, Chung, Suh-Yong, Melka, Yoseph, Negash, Mesele, Tolera, Motuma, Yimer, Fantaw, Belay, Teferra, Bekele, Tsegaye. 2018. Calling for Collaboration to Cope with Climate Change in Ethiopia: Focus on Forestry. Journal of Climate Change Research 9, 303-312
  2. Gadisa Demiea, Mesele Negash, Tesfaye Awas. 2018. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by indigenous people in and around Dirre Sheikh Hussein heritage site of South-eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 220, 87–93.
  3. Musse Tesfaye, Mesele Negash. 2018. Combretum-Terminalia vegetation accumulate more carbon stocks in the soil than the biomass along the elevation ranges of dryland ecosystem in Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Arid Environments 155: 59–64.

14.. Kebede Wolka, Geert Sterk, Birhanu Biazin, Mesele Negash. 2018. Benefits, limitations and sustainability of soil and water conservation structures in Omo-Gibe basin, Southwest Ethiopia. Land Use Policy 73: 1–10.

  1. 13. Haji Kedir, Mesele Negash, Fantaw Yimer, Mulugeta Limenih. 2018. Contribution of participatory forest management towards conservation and rehabilitation of dry Afromontane forests and its implications for carbon management in the tropical Southeastern Highlands of Ethiopia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 37 (4), 357–374.




  1. Mesele Negash, Markku Kanninen. 2015. Modeling biomass and soil carbon pools change of indigenous agroforestry system using CO2FIX approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 203:147-155.
  2. Mesele Negash, Mike Starr. 2015. Biomass and soil carbon stocks of indigenous agroforestry systems on the south-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, Ethiopia. Plant and Soil 393:95–107. doi 10.1007/s11104-015-2469-6
  3. Eshetu Yirdaw, Mike Starr, Mesele Negash, Fantaw Yimer. 2015. Influence of topographic aspect on floristic diversity, structure and treeline of Afromontane cloud forests in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. Journal of Forestry Research 26(4):919–931. doi 10.1007/s11676-015-0155-4.



  1. Kebede Wolka, Mesele Negash. 2014. Farmers’ adoption of soil and water conservation technology: a case study of the Bokole and Toni sub-watersheds, southern Ethiopia. Journal of science & Development 2(1) 35-48.
  2. Mesele Negash, Girma Kelboro, 2014. Effects of socioeconomic status and food consumption pattern on household energy uses: Implications of forest resources degradation around Wondo Genet Catchments, south-central Ethiopia. East African Social Science Research Review (EASSRR) 30(1): 27-46. DOI: 10.1353/eas.2014.0001



  1. Mesele Negash, Mike Starr, Markku Kanninen, Leakemaraiam Berhe. 2013. Allometric equations for aboveground biomass of Coffea arabica L. grown in indigenous agroforestry systems in the Rift Valley escarpment of southern-eastern Ethiopia. Agroforestry Systems 87:953–966. doi 10.1007/s10457-013-9611-3.
  2. Mesele Negash, Mike Starr, Markku Kanninen. 2013. Allometric equations for biomass estimation of Enset (Ensete ventricosum) grown in indigenous agroforestry systems in the Rift Valley escarpment of southern-eastern Ethiopia. Agroforestry Systems 87:571–581. doi 10.1007/s10457-012-9577-6.
  3. Mesele Negash, Mike Starr. 2013. Litterfall production and associated carbon and nitrogen fluxes of seven woody species grown in indigenous agroforestry systems in the Rift Valley escarpment of Ethiopia. Nutrient cycling in Agroecosystem 97:29–41. doi 10.1007/s10705-013-9590-9



  1. Mesele Negash, Eshetu Yirdaw, Olavi Luukkanen. 2012. Potential of indigenous multistrata agroforests for maintaining native floristic diversity in the south-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, Ethiopia. Agroforestry systems 85:9–28. doi 10.1007/s10457-011-9408-1


  1. Negash Mesele, Negussie Achalu. 2008. History of indigenous agro-forestry in Gedeo, Ethiopia based on local community interviews: Vegetation diversity and structure in these land use systems. Ethiopian Journal of Natural Resources 10 (1): 31-52.



  1. Mesele Negash. 2007. Tree management and livelihoods in Gedeo’sagroforests, Ethiopia. Forest, Trees and Livelihoods 170(2):157-168.


  1. Mesele Negash, Abdu Abdulkadir, Hagberg S. 2005. Farmers' Eucalyptus planting practices in Enset-Coffee based Agroforestry system of Sidama, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Natural Resource Journal 7(2):239-251




  1. Mesele Negash 2022. Oral presnetaion on “Perennial monocropping of khat decreased soil carbon and nitrogen relative to multistrata agroforestry and natural forest in southeastern Ethiopia.” Tropentag 2022 hybrid conference held on 14-16 Sepetmber 2022, The Czech Rebulic, Prague.
  2. Mesele Negash, 2018. Overview of Current State of Knowledge for Thickets, Bushes and Shrubs in Eastern Africa. Presented at a national workshop on the theme Combating desertification, sustainable natural resources management and landscape restoration under changing climate in arid and semi-arid areas of Ethiopia. Organized by The Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI) in collaboration with Action Against Desertification Project of FAO Ethiopia. 14- 15 August, 2018. Adama, Ethiopia
  3. Eshetu Yirdaw, Mulualem Tigabu, Mulugeta Lemenih, Mesele Negash, Demel Teketay. 2014. Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest and Woodland Ecosystems in Ethiopia for Sustenance of Livelihoods and Ecosystem Services (Book chapter). In: Pia Katila, Glenn Galloway, Will de Jong, Pablo Pacheco, Gerardo Mery (eds.) Forest under pressure – local responses to global issues. IUFRO World Series Volume 32. Vienna. pp. 299-313.
  4. Mesele Negash, 2018. Overview of Current State of Knowledge for Thickets, Bushes and Shrubs in Eastern Africa. Presented at a national workshop on the theme Combating desertification, sustainable natural resources management and landscape restoration under changing climate in arid and semi-arid areas of Ethiopia. Organized by The Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute (EEFRI) in collaboration with Action Against Desertification Project of FAO Ethiopia. 14- 15 August, 2018. Adama, Ethiopia
  5. Contributing author in a book entitled “Profitable Agroforestry system innovations for eastern Africa: Experience from 10 agroclimatic zones of Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda”. Published in 2007 edited by Azene-BekeleTesemma. World Agroforestry center.
  6. Sustainable Land Use Form, 2006. Indigenous Agroforestry Practices and their implications on sustainable land use and natural resources management: The case of Wonago Woreda. Research Report No. 1. A commissioned book produced by Negussie Achalu and Mesele Negash.
  7. Mesele Negash., Mike Starr, Markku Kanninen. 2012. Allometric equations for biomass estimations of Ensete ventricosum grown in indigenous agroforestry systems, southern-eastern Ethiopia: implication for climate change mitigation on agricultural landscapes. Paper presented in “Forests and Trees: Serving the People of Africa and the World”. P.131. Book of Abstracts. IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress & ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day 25-29 June 2012. Nairobi, Kenya
  8. Mesele Negash. 2006. Indigenous Agroforestry practices and their implications on Sustainable Land use and Natural Resources management: The case of Wonago District. In: Proceedings Policymakers Workshop on Land Tenure and Land Management. 9 October 2006. Organized by CRDA, SLUF and SOS Sahel Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. pp. 4-20.
  9. Mesele Negash. 2007. Indigenous Soil Fertility Management in Gedeo Agroforests, Ethiopia. Paper presented on National Workshop: Making the soil Quality last-Participatory Plant Nutrient Management in Ethiopia. August 6-8, 2007. Wondo Genet College, Ethiopia.
  10. Mesele Negash. 2007. Whom to blame? The tree or the expert? Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1, WGCF-NR. pp.4.




Mesele Negash. 2013. The indigenous agroforestry systems of the south-eastern Rift Valley Escarpment, Ethiopia: Their biodiversity, carbon stocks, and litterfall. Tropical forestry reports no. 44. Doctoral thesis, University of Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-10-9415-6. ISSN 0786-8170


Mesele Negash. 2002. Socioeconomic aspects of farmers' eucalyptus planting Practices in the Enset-Coffee Based Agroforestry System of Sidama, Ethiopia. The case of Awassa and Shebdino Districts, Ethiopian. MSc in Forestry program Thesis Report No.62.Swedish Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Sweden. pp.85.



Mike Starr (PhD), Associate professor in Soil science

Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki,

Latokartanonkaari 7, P.O. Box 27, 00014 Helsinki,Finland

Phone:+358 9 19158121; Fax: +358 9 19158100

e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Helena Kahiluoto, Professor of Sustainability Science

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) 

PL 20, FI-53851 Lappeenranta, Finland

Tel +358 40 5118335
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Motuma Tolera (Ph.D.), College Dean

School of Forestry,
Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources,
Hawassa University,
P. O. Box 128, Shashemene, Ethiopia.
Tele. +251911797142
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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