Pavanasam Natarajan (Professor)

I. Teaching Experience: 45 years

a) Positions Held:

1. Director: Centre for Aquaculture Training, Education/Extension and Research (CATER): Ambo University, West Shoa, Ethiopia (2008-2017) (Govt. of Ethiopia)

2. Professor of Environmental Science: Environmental Science Programme, Department of Biology, Ambo University (2008- 2017)

3. National Professor (Rajiv Gandhi Chair Professor) (UGC-MHRD, Govt of India Institution) Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Cochin, India (2006-2008) 4. Honorary Professor: Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Trivandrum (2003-2005)( Govt. of Kerala.

5. Director: International Centre for Bioresources Management (ICBM, Malankara Catholic College, Affiliated to M.S. University Tirunleveli (2003-2006)(Govt of Tamilnadu)

6. Dean, Faculty of Science: University of Kerala, Trivandrum (1998 - 2000) (Govt of Kerala)

7. Professor of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries & Head of the Department:Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Trivandrum (1985 - 2003)( Govt of Kerala)

8. Associate Professor of Aquaculture & Head of the Department: Fisheries College Research Institute, Tamilnadu, Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Tuticorin (1979 - 1985)(Govt of Tamilnadu)

9. Assistant Professor in Crustacean Biology: College of Fisheries, University of Agricultural Sciences, Mangalore – 575 002, (1975 - 1979) (Govt of Karnataka)

10. Instructor in Fish Pathology: College of Fisheries, University of Agricultural Sciences, Mangalore – 575 002, (1972 - 1975)( Govt of Karnataka)

b) Courses Offered Marine Ecology, Fish Biology; Inland and Marine capture fisheries; Fish parasitology and pathology; Aquaculture; Fisheries extension for Undergraduate programme; Aquaculture, Crustacean Biology, Fish Nutrition, Fish Health Management, Biodiversity Management, Land Degradation and Rehabilitation and Watershed Management for Post graduate students; Aquaculture Technologies for PhD students.

c) Syllabi and Curriculum Development Developed syllabi and curricula of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Bio-technology, Fisheries Bio-technology, restructured various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Science Faculty in Kerala University; drafted the National Fisheries syllabus for Central Institute for Fisheries Education, ICAR, Govt of India; Fisheries University in India (Mumbai CIFE, ICAR, Govt of Indi); drafted syllabus and curricula for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Ambo University and Hawasssa University, Ethiopia.

d) Seminar on teaching Attended seven(7) teaching Seminars and workshops relating to Educational technology, Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Examination Reforms and Credit and semester system of Education.

e) Special Lectures: Delivered Fifty Four(54) Special lectures relating to Aquaculture and Fisheries and Environmental Sciences to staff and students in several Indian Universities; and Universities and Institutes in West Germany, USA, UK, The Netherlands, Malta, Philippines, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Senegal, Srilanka.

II. Research Experience: 45 years

a) Area of specialization: Fisheries and Aquaculture, Aquaculture Systems, Fish Nutrition, Fish Health Management; Biodiversity Conservation and Management, Wetland Ecology, Pollution, Environmental Impact Assessment, Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, Watershed Management.

b) Research Guidance: Guided 55 M.Sc; 22 M.Phil and 23 Ph.D Theses

c) Research Projects: Operated more than 30 Research Projects funded by Universities, national and international funding agencies.

d) Publications: Total:223: a) Research papers in scientific journals, 105; b) Conference Proceedings, 54; c) Book Chapters, 33;

e) Popular Articles, 31. e) Conference Proceedings Edited, 21

f) Consultancy Project Reports, 13.

g)Training Programs Organized: Aquaculture development, business planning and technical feasibility; Aquaculture training for fisheries professionals; Fish farmers training programme; Training programs to promote capacity building among different stake holders on viable technologies for enhancing rural livelihood.

h) Training Programmes attended: Fish Stock Assessment organized under the auspices of FAO / DANIDA / ICAR at CMFRI, Kochi; Advanced techniques in Aquaculture and Pathobiology in advanced Universities and Institutes in UK, USA, China; and Coastal Zone Management in Malta.

i) Seminars/Symposia/Workshops Organized: 24;

j) Seminars, Symposia, workshops attended: 73

III. Others

a) Prizes and Awards

1. Commonwealth Foundation Award. U.K.(1981); 2. British Council Award, U.K. (1988); 3.Indo-US Fulbright Award, USA. (1989); 4. Commonwealth Scholarship, U.K. (1994); 5. Senior Scientist Award (1997). Indian Society of Environmental Science, 6. Contemporary Scientist Award (1998). Zoological Society of India; 7. Senior Scientist Award (1998). Indian Society of Life Sciences, 8. INSA(India)NAST(Philippines)Professorship Award (2001); 9. Bale Rao Gold Medal (2002). Zoological Society of India; 10. Dr. J.S. Datta Munshi Gold Medal (2003). Zoological Society of India; 11. TWAS – UNESCO Associateship Award (2003); 12. Life time Achievement Award (2011): His Excellency the President of Ethiopia.

b) Fellowship Fellow of the Zoological Society of India (FZS-India); Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES); Limnological Society of Kerala (FLSK); National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS), New Delhi and Member Ethiopian Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Association(EFASA), Addis Ababa.

c) Membership in Academic Bodies: Served as Chairman and Member Board of Studies and Academic Councils in sixteen Universities (16) in India.

d) Honors, Merits and Recognitions: Chaired several scientific sessions and delivered a number of key note presentations in national and international conferences; Subject expert for awarding prizes and medals; Selection committee member to select candidates for various positions in Universities and Research Institutes; Adjudicator to evaluate the research performance of teachers for promotion to higher positions; Course leader for a number of refresher courses organized by Universities; Chairman and Member of Doctoral Committees in a number of Universities; Project evaluator to sanction research grants to University teachers; Cordinator for Special Assistance Programme (SAP) Programme of UGC( Govt of India), Manpower Development Programme of Department of Ocean Development(DOD), Govt of India; COSIST Programme of UGC, Govt of India and FIST Programme of Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India; Chairman/ Member Research Advisory Committee(RAC) of ICAR, Govt of India; Advisor, State Department of Fisheries, Kerala State; Scientific Advisor, International Foundation for Science, Sweden; Served as National and International Consultant for Aquaculture(Saudi Fisheries, Saudi, Arabia), and Environment(WAPCOS, NTPC, Govt of India and State Electricity Board, Govt of Kerala); Member, State Committee for Science, Technology and Environment, Govt of Kerala ; Member Biodiversity Board,Govt of Kerala; and Member Project Formulation Committee, STEC, Govt of Kerala.

e) Visits to Universities and Institutes Abroad: Visited more than 60 universities and Institutes abroad for attending conferences, training programs, delivering special lectures, discussions and to conduct post-doctoral research.

Name: Pavanasam NATARAJAN 

Gender: Male

Nationality: Indian

Current Position: Professor of Aquatic Sciences and Aquaculture

                           Department of Biology, Hawassa University,

                           Hawassa, Ethiopia

Mobile:  00251-969-454-307: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Educational Qualifications: B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD. D.Sc.,

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