The school of continuing and distance education at Hawassa University has started in Awassa College of Agriculture by training few students at diploma level in agricultural disciplines in evening classes.
The program was known as Continuing Education Program (CEP) which the name well known even today. Gradually CEP expanded its program to the summer-in-services trainings in different disciplines.
Opening of the then Debub University with many disciplines was a good opportunity to CEP to commenced different disciplines which were offered in regular program ranging from natural science to business and economics and social sciences. The then CEP provided golden opportunity to people who have already in the career without detaching them from their work
Later CEP was restructure and renamed as Continuing and Distance Education (CDED) with launching distance education program in 4 disciplines namely Governance and Development, Law, Management and Sociology though the distance programs was pended by Ministry of Education for sometimes.
Currently CEP is working with a new structure in line with BPR and renamed as school of Continuing and Distance Education (SCDE). SCDE is running many different programs in collaboration with hosting departments ranging from short term training to first and second degree programs in evening, weekend and summer in four different campuses (main campus, Hawassa College of agriculture, College of Medicine and Health science and Wondo Genet college of forestry and natural science). There are more than 8000 students in all these campuses and programs.
Hawassa University School of Continuing and Distance education endeavors to become the leading school in the country in providing quality training or education to the vicinity community or community from anywhere else.
The school of Continuing and Distance Education provides quality training and education at various levels ranging from short term trainings, tailor-made programs, first and second degree programs based on the demand of the society at their convenient time out of the regular program.
Objectives of the SCDE
To provide quality education to the community at their convenient time out of regular program including distance mode of course delivery with reasonable tuition fee
To contribute human capacity building for government and non-government organization seeking in-service training without detaching from their career.
To contribute in academic attraction/staff retention effort by creating additional income to the academic staffs
To play important role in generating income to the university (at least 20% of the of the revenue)
Ongoing Programs
Under Graduate programs
1) First degree evening and weekend programs in main campus
- Accounting
- Civil engineering
- Computer science
- Economics
- Information Technology
- Governance and Development studies
- Management
- Law
2) First degree evening and weekend program in college of Medicine and Health science
- Nursing
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Environmental Health science
3) First degree weekend program in the College of Agriculture
- Human nutrition
4) First degree weekend program in Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources Management
5) First degree summer program in Main Campus
- Biology
- Chemistry
- physics
- Mathematics
- Civics
- English
- Law
- Computer science
- Economics
Postgraduate Programs
Second degree weekend and summer programs
- Water resource engineering and management
- Development studies
- Governance
- Human resource management
- Marketing management
- Finance and Accounting
- Development Economics
- Educational leadership
- Cooperative, development and leadership
- Food science and post harvest technology
- Human nutrition
- Soil science
- Animal nutrition
- Rural development
- Agronomy
- Crop protection
- Plant Breeding
- Agro forestry
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