Graduation requirements for:

Undergraduate Students

  • All the required courses/modules and the minimum credit hours set by the respective Academic Unit should be satisfied, except to phase in and phase out program.
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average/CANG (CGPA) of 2.00 must be obtained;
  • No "F" grade in any course/module taken for undergraduate program

 Graduate Students

  • To complete a program and graduate, a candidate must obtain a minimum of CGPA of 3.00. 
  • A master’s student is allowed to graduate with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 and only one “C”. Students having two “C+” grades shall also be allowed to graduate as long as their CGPA is not below 3.00.
  • For PhD students all courses with “C” grades or lower shall be repeated.
  •  Normally a PhD graduate is expected to publish three articles in peer reviewed journal from the result of the thesis work. However, no PhD candidate shall graduate without publishing at least one article in peer reviewed journal.

Student Assessment and the Grading System of Undergraduate Students

As a matter of general principle continuous assessment in the form of tests, reports, assignments, presentations, etc. should be made for every module/course in such a way that it measures the individual effort or capacity etc. of the student. This shall count for 50% of the total module/course mark. The remaining 50% shall be allotted for a final exam at the end of module/course. However, some discipline such as Medicine can set out their own general guidelines.

Undergraduate Grading scale and letter grading System

Raw Mark Interval [100 %]

Grade Point

Letter Grade

Status Description

Class Description





First class with

Great distinction

[85, 90)



[80, 85)



[75, 80)



Very Good

First class with Distinction

[70, 75)



[65, 70)




First class

[60, 65)



Second class

Second class

[50, 60)




[45, 50)




Lower class




Very Poor

Lower class





Lowest class





Lowest class

  1. A student with Fx shall take supplementary exam, whereas those who scored ‘F’ grade should repeat that course. Such supplementary exam grades for Fx shall only constitutes 50% of the total assessment (i.e. the other 50% shall be taken from the continuous assessment). However, a student who has scored Fx due to disciplinary or cheating case shall not be entitled for supplementary examination but the F grade shall be maintained.
  2. In cases where a student does not have full examination records, the instructor shall record “NG” for No grade. All “NG”s shall be changed to one of the following:
  • To an “I” (incomplete) by the SC/DC in consultation with the instructor concerned for a student who, because of illness or extenuating or extraordinary circumstances, fails to complete the
  • modular course;
  • To a “W” (withdrawn) by the head/Registrar for a student who has formally withdrawn from the program within eight weeks (50% of the semester duration) after the beginning of the semester;
  • To a “DO” (dropout) by the Head/Registrar for a student who has not withdrawn from a program in accordance with the withdrawal procedures set forth by the University.
  • Neither “W” nor “DO” shall play any part in the computation of the semester Average Number Grade/Semester Grade Point Average;
  • A student who obtains a “DO” for a course or courses shall be required to justify the reasons why he failed to comply with the withdrawal procedures set forth by the University to the
  • appropriate SC/DC within six weeks after the commencement of the subsequent semester. Failure to do so shall result in an automatic “F” grade;
  • If a student repeats a course, the initial credit hour and grade shall appear on the transcript, but be ignored in calculating the SGPA/SANG whether or not there is a change in the grade;
  • All required non-credit work shall be recorded with a grade of “P” (Pass) and “F” (Failure), but neither shall be included in the computation of the SGPA/SANG;
  • A double asterisk (**) shall be entered in place of a letter grade in those rare cases where a course is in progress and no work has been completed to give the instructor a basis for giving a grade.

Student assessment and grading system of Graduate Students

  • Examinations are graded on the following letter grading system, with corresponding points.

Raw Mark

Letter Grade

Grade Points

[95, 100)



[85, 95)



[80, 85)



[75, 80)



[70, 75)



[65, 70)



[60, 65)



[50, 60)



[40, 50)



< 40



  • Thesis or Dissertation evaluation shall be graded on the following ranking system, with corresponding grading scales and letter grades;


Grading scale in percent


≥ 85

Very Good

75 ≤ X < 85


60 ≤ X < 75


50 ≤ X < 60


< 50


Student Academic Achievements

  • At the end of each semester, the Academic Unit will examine the case of student who fails to achieve the required academic standard in line with the University Legislation.
  • One semester in the regular program is equivalent to two semesters in the continuing education program. The academic status of continuing education student is, therefore, determined every other semester.
  • For Kiremt programs, the academic status of the students shall be determined for a minimum of 25-30 ECTS points or 15 credit hours.
  • The academic status of part-time students is determined for every 25-30 ECTS points or 15 credit hours, starting from the first admission date of the students.
  • Grade report should be issued for semesters in which the status is determined by the SC/DC.

Academic Standing of Undergraduate Students

Academic status of undergraduate students are shown in the table below:

  • A student who earns a “C” (2.0) grade or above in all courses of a semester shall be in good standing.
  • The head of the Academic Unit shall warn a student, when he/she falls under warning category as shown on the above table.
  • Any consecutive warning, except in the first year leads to Academic Dismissal.
  • A student who earns three or more ‘’F’’ grades at the end of any semester shall be subject to academic dismissal regardless of CGPA/SGPA. 

 Academic Status for Graduate Students

  • A first-year graduate student is subject to dismissal without first being put on probation if his performance falls below 2.50 in his first semester results.
  • Any first-year graduate student with a first semester GPA (SGPA) between 2.50 and 3.00 shall be placed on probation and will be subject to dismissal if he fails to achieve a semester GPA of 3.00 in the next semester.
  • If, however, a student on probation for the first time achieves during the next semester, a SGPA of 3.00 or above but his CGPA still falls below 3.00, the relevant DGC may place the student on final probation if it finds that there is reason to believe that the student will attain a CGPA of 3.00 or above in the third semester.
  • A graduate student may be put on probation for a second time provided it is ascertained that s/he has successfully come out of the previous probation. However, where a student who has been placed on a second probation fails to achieve a CGPA of 3.00 in the next semester, s/he shall be dismissed.
  • No candidate subject to dismissal may expect discretionary probation as a matter of right.

Discontinuing study

  1. Dismissal

    A student may be forced to discontinue his/her study because of academic reasons for at least one semester. One of these academic reasons is a “dismissal” status of a student. Such type of discontinuity may allow a readmission in which a student will be readmitted to repeat the modules/courses he/she failed. A student with a “dismissal” status should formally withdraw from the university.

  2. Dropout

    Students dropping out from the University must consult their academic advisors and explain why they wish to drop out. Students dropping out from the University for inadequate reasons will be denied readmission.

  3. Withdrawal

    Any student who wants to discontinue his study should formally withdraw and complete Withdrawal Form (or clearance) within 8 weeks after the beginning of the semester. The University does not accept readmission requests if an applicant has not withdrawn properly.

    A student who discontinued his study due to either “dismissal” status or dropping out may request for readmission as per the procedures.

  4. Clearance

    Students should fulfil the proper clearance procedure at the end of each academic year or Kiremt session or upon graduation or when they discontinue their study. Every student must collect the Clearance Form from the Registrar Office. After properly completing such forms and getting them signed by the appropriate offices, the student must submit it to the registrar office, and keep a copy with him/her. No transcripts, degrees, diplomas and letters of recommendation will be issued to a person who cannot produce his/her copy of the clearance from every time such services are requested. Moreover, readmissions are processed if and only if a student presents a duly signed clearance.

Administration of Examinations

  • The number of candidates sitting for an examination in every exam hall shall be prepared in advance of the examination by the module/course team leader or delegate and shall be handed over to the invigilators for purposes of checking attendance in the exam.
  • No student may be admitted into an exam hall 15 minutes after the beginning of the examination. However, all examinations must start on time and no corrections and other announcements made for students at the beginning of the exam shall be repeated.
  • No student may be allowed to leave an exam hall within 30 minutes of the beginning of an examination and before signing the examination attendance sheet.
  •  In the event that a student is forced to leave an exam hall for health reasons, and in so far as the student is in a conscious and sound state of mind, the invigilator in attendance shall inform the student of the fact that Registration from any legally established public medical institutions has to be obtained expeditiously to substantiate the claim of sickness or illness.
  • Upon conclusion of an examination the invigilator shall submit a report on the conduct of the examination by completing a form prepared for that purpose. The report shall be submitted to the Head of the Academic Unit that offers the course.

 Violations of Examination Regulations

  • Any one of the following shall be interpreted as an act of cheating in an examination or any other graded exercise and shall have direct consequences on the marking or grading of all kinds of examination papers, term papers, projects or senior essays and for the determination of academic status of students.
  • Found in possession or copying from pieces of paper or any other source of information brought into an exam hall where such material is not specifically permitted.
  •  Working on or being found in possession of exam papers other than one’s own.
  • Exchanging information in the exam hall through oral, symbolic, written, and electronic or (holding electronic devices) any other means where these are not specifically permitted.
  • Copying or trying to copy from any other student or deliberately letting any student copy from one’s exam paper.
  • Submitting a work or works for which it can clearly be established that the work or part of it is not produced by the student claiming authorship or production.

Make-up Examinations

  • Make-up examinations shall not be allowed for the purpose of raising grade point averages. However, a student unable to sit for an examination for extenuating circumstances, such as hospitalization or accidents, and therefore has an "I" (incomplete) grade against a course may be allowed to sit for a make-up examination in the course.
  • Any such student, or a person representing the student, shall submit in writing valid and documented reasons for not having sat for the examination to the Head of the Academic Unit within two weeks after the If the make-up examination is pertinent to mid-term, the case of the student can be decided by the instructor of the course and the head before the final examination.
  • Where the SC/DC finds that the student did not have valid reasons for not sitting for final examination, the "I" grade on the student's record shall be changed automatically to "F", SANG/SGPA shall be calculated and the status of the student shall be determined accordingly.
  • An actively enrolled non-graduating student who is allowed to sit for a make-up examination shall normally register for the examination at the beginning of the semester when the final examination in the course is next administered. However, for courses that are prerequisites to other courses (as indicated in the curriculum), the student shall be treated as one who is entitled to take a supplementary examination.
  • A non-graduating student who is not actively enrolled but allowed to sit for a make-up examination shall apply and register for the examination at least one month (the dates to be announced by the Registrar) before the final examination of the course is scheduled to be administered.
  • A graduating student within the final semester who fails to sit for final examinations in one or more courses for valid reasons shall be allowed to sit for make-up examination within three weeks of the following regular semester. However, if such a student is in the first semester of the final year, shall be allowed to sit for make-up examinations in a maximum of two courses within three weeks of the following semester.
  • A student who has three or more "I" grades in a semester and is legible to sit for a make-up examination shall, irrespective of academic status, withdraw from the University for academic reasons and apply for make-up exam
  • No SANG/ SGPA shall be calculated and no academic start of the subsequent semester status shall be determined for such a student until the results of the make-up examination are known.
  • A student who has less than three (one or two) "I" grades in a semester and who is legible to take a make-up examination may continue studies in subsequent semesters if the student is in good academic standing. For such a student, average point shall be calculated and academic status shall be determined based on the grades obtained and excluding courses in which the "I" grades are registered. Such a student shall also apply and sit for make-up examination in incomplete courses.
  • A student who has less than three "I" grades but is not in good academic standing is subject to withdrawal and may apply for readmission.
  • Any “I” grade not removed within a year as per the provisions of this Article shall be converted to an “F” grade.

After a student is admitted to one of the programs of the university, the next thing to do is registration for a set of modules/courses. 

During registration, students should observe the following registration rules and procedures:

  • A student, whose application for admission to a program is accepted, can be registered according to the academic calendar.
  • The registration slips should be completed and signed by the respected body.
  • A student will not be allowed to take courses (modules and other learning materials) without completing registration formalities.
  • A student must take the pre‐requisite(s) before he/she registers for an advanced course.
  • A private student shall pay for the courses and, present the cash receipt along with the forms to the respective office.
  • A student shall complete a registration form in triplicate. The student must submit the slips to the registrar office and get the “REGISTERED” stamp on them.
  • No credit shall be given for courses for which the student is not registered even if grades have been earned.
  • Registration has to be done every semester. However, some programs (like Medicine in CMHS) can have registration only once a year.
  • Registration by proxy is not allowed.


Late registration

There is usually a one (or two) day registration period after the regular registration closes during the regular, evening or Kiremt semester. This time is primarily meant to complete oversights during the registration time. Late registration may be subject to a penalty fee. The steps followed are similar to those identified in the Registration section above.

  1. Add and Drop

Add and drop is an action of registering for modules/courses or dropping those modules/courses the student registered for during the normal registration time. It is, therefore, an opportunity given to the student to correct any oversight during the normal registration period. However, such possibilities have to be explored in consultation with and permission by the academic advisor of the student. Add and drops are done on a form prepared for the purpose and the form should be collected from the college/institute registrar office. The date of add/drop should be completed within three weeks from the date of registration. The specific dates for each term will be indicated in the academic calendar.

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