Hawassa University response against COVID-19

 Hawassa University has been working in the following areas to minimize the impacts of COVID 19 pandemic.

  • Community awareness creation on the pandemic
  • Support for vulnerable community due to the pandemic
  • Quarantine and treatment centres
  • COVID 19 related technological innovations
  • COVID 19 Testing centre in Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital
  • COVID 19 research projects
  • Sanitizer production and distribution
  1. Awareness creation on transmission methods and safety precautions to the pandemic

Two rounds of community awareness creation activities have been carried out in Hawassa City and nearby areas by Medicine & Health Sciences and Social Sciences and Humanities College at the beginning and middle of the outbreak of the diseases. Health professionals, epidemiologists, sociologists, psychologists and others participated in the campaigns improved the awareness of the public on basic safety measures and transmission mechanisms of the pandemic. The campaign covered 30 districts and 7 city administrations found in Sidama Regional State. COVID 19 protective materials such sanitizers and masks have been also distributed to selected segments of the community. The total estimated cost of the two campaigns is about 1.25 million birrs.


The campaign helped to improve the awareness of COVID-19 for about 2.5 million people found in Hawassa City & nearby areas.


  1. Support for vulnerable community due to the pandemic (total estimated cost 3.7 million birr)
  • Two rounds of different food items have been given to Hawassa City administration with an estimated cost of 2.5 million birr
  • Improved seed varieties have been given to poor and vulnerable farmers (who can’t buy improved seed varieties) located in different nearby districts of the University. The total estimated cost of 1.2 million birrs.


  1. Quarantine and treatment centers

Four of the seven campuses of the University have been serving as quarantine (isolation), treatments and testing centers for infected people from Hawassa City and nearby areas. 

  1. COVID 19 related technological innovations 
  • Low-cost mechanical ventilator

 The mechanical ventilator has passed the first trial stage and currently being customized based on the comments given by health professionals.

  • Wearable contact tracing device 
  • This device helps to trace infected people through the technology installed in it. It can be used for COVID 19 or other contagious diseases.

  • Body gowan and face shield for health workers that protect them from the pandemic while treating the infected patients.

  • Mechanical & automatic solar hand washing machine

  1. Hawassa University COVID 19 Testing centre
  • COVID 19 treatment Center at Hawassa University compressive specialized hospital tests 800 sample per day. HU’s COVID 19 testing center has examined 18, 258 testes to date.


  1. COVID 19 research projects
  • 18 research projects are being carried out by the staffs of the university on different aspects of the pandemic. For the 18 research projects and technological innovations (discussed under section 5), Hawassa University has allocated 5 million birr.
  1. Sanitizer production and distribution
    • The University has produced 8,325 litter sanitizer in its Natural Sciences College laboratories and has been distributing to the most vulnerable segments of the community in the last six months. They include staffs in health extension & security sectors. On the other hand the College of Medicine and Health Sciences has produced 10,500 litters of sanitizer. Thus, the two colleges have produced 18,825 litters of sanitizer. The product is based on WHO standard and has played decisive role in combating the pandemic.

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