Message form Dean of College of Agriculture

Having been established in 1976, the College of Agriculture (CA) has a record of more than 44 years of service as higher learning institute to Hawassa University (HU) and also being the first college of Hawassa University. College of Agriculture is a pioneer and nucleus of Hawassa University. It was established as Junior College of Agriculture under Addis Ababa University and has gradually been transformed over the years. The College of Agriculture is one of the leading institutes in generating and transferring agricultural technologies, such as crop varieties, agronomic packages, and livestock technologies for its mandate areas and beyond. Currently, the college is fully committed to the provision of the three pillars of mandates given to teaching institutes, which include teaching-learning, research and community services. It was over years transformed from the level of offering Diploma to accomplish its mandate. The College has organized itself under three schools and one faculty and offers BSc, MSc and PhD level trainings. These include: 1) School of Animal and Range Sciences, 2) Faculty of Environment, Gender and Development Studies, 3) School of Nutrition, Food Science and Post-Harvest Technology and 4) School of Plant and Horticultural Sciences. Currently, the College has 48 PhD, 98 MSc and 26 BSc holder academic staffs. The college offers trainings in 8 BSc, 23 MSc and 8 PhD level trainings under regular program; and 1 BSc and 10 MSc in summer and weekend program. The college also leads many internationally and nationally funded research and community service projects, including those supported by NORAD, World Vision, Canada (IDRC, CIDA), DAD (CLIFOOD), GIZ, Bill Gate Foundation. The collage also has immense collaboration experience in academic and research work with Universities in the country as well as a number of international known universities abroad.

We at the CA envision a college that contributes exceptionally to the overall mission of HU is “to advance knowledge, enhance technology creation and transfer, promote effective entrepreneurship, and inculcate a responsible and democratic attitude through training, research, and public services in agricultural sciences; thereby, contributing to the overall development of the country”. Agriculture exists between the polarities of land, and other natural resources use, economy, and market. Currently, there is more immediate and pressing need for agriculture and natural resource professionals than the past. These professionals are entering to find ways to double food production without increasing the amount of land and water devoted to agriculture – truly one of the world’s grand challenges. A significant portion of Ethiopians are still food insecure, malnourished and live below poverty line. Land degradation, climate change, population pressure and limited use of improved technologies are among many underpinning factors that contribute to the low productivity and production of crop and livestock systems. 

The CA-HU is one among the higher learning institutions in Ethiopia working towards academic excellence, research and community to avert the existing problems in Agriculture and sustainable use of natural resources.

The college intends to share knowledge, information, and create networking among the scientific community for national development.

We will continue to play our leading role in Agriculture and related field of studies!

Tarekegn Yosef (PhD)

Dean, College of Agriculture

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